Friday, August 19, 2016

Open Day - Why am I doing this?

19th August 2016
by Catherine Lyell

Open Day - Integrated Men's Health Solutions

This event is bigger than just the venue and the treatment rooms we work out of. It’s bigger than the brand and the logo, and even bigger than the amazing Practitioners that push forward daily with helping men heal themselves. I want people to feel and see the passion and drive that we have for this cause, and understand that this is bigger than just us…that there is a higher power at work relentlessly driving me to succeed in delivering this solution to you, to Melbourne, to the world. 

What we’re trying to achieve is awareness….awareness of men’s health and the need for more natural and supportive services and options. Awareness of our skills and abilities, knowledge and wisdom, and that we “know our stuff”. Awareness of our current dysfunctional medical and mental healthcare system, and being educated on the natural options available to them, which actually work quicker and better than any pill. Building an awareness that we are providing treatments that are changing lives instantly, and sometimes saving them….sending the message that the stuff we do isn’t “woo woo”, it’s a science and it revolves around energy, quantum physics, neuroplasticity, neuro-linguistic programming, cellular healing, sacred touch and emotional healing. 

We are trying to reach as many people as we can, to spread the universal message that we have the answers to so many questions. We are trying to reach down into all the deep crevices of society and pull people out. We are here to show people there is another way, that there are answers to questions that they haven’t even thought about yet. We want to show people that we are one step ahead and can shine a light on their personal journey. We are here to showcase our ground-breaking centre so that we may pave the way for more centres and opportunities for men to heal globally…the natural way. So yes there will be business cards handed out, and a sausage sizzle to entice our guests, but the real reason we’re doing this is to pass on our gift of knowledge and guidance to those that need it the most.

We want you to walk away from our Open Day feeling different to when you first walked in. You’ll feel lighter, you’ll look different and you’ll feel inspired and motivated to make positive changes in your life immediately. We want you to walk away with the intuitive knowing and understanding that there is a better way, that you now “get what we do here” and that our message is so clear that you are able to pass that information on to anyone else you meet that is struggling in life. We want you to walk away feeling confident that there is a place for you to go when you’re ready to start that journey of freedom and self love. You will walk away knowing that we are the right people to help you, and that you are so glad you made the trip to visit. We want you to leave with a better understanding of who you are and how you can reconnect to self. We want your belief systems to shift, your perceptions to be proven wrong and your goals to change instantly. We want you to leave feeling connected to us and to everything that we’re doing. And most importantly, you’ll leave with the confidence and faith that you’re going to be ok, because we’ll support you.

So come along to our Open Day on September 18th and introduce yourself to us. We really want to meet you and learn about who you are and how you’ve come to be at this point in your life. Plug in to what’s already been an amazing journey for us in creating this centre 12 months ago, and let us facilitate a change in your life…however that needs to happen. Help us create the ripple effect that we need to change and save men’s lives locally and nationwide, and help us power the world to a place of wellness and higher consciousness.

See you there!

Catherine Lyell
Wellness Specialist
Integrated Men's Health Solutions
0401 541 571

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hypnotherapy vs Champix - Which method is best for me?


Hypnotherapy is a lovely relaxing process, and it works. When you see Quit Specialist Lyn Powell she takes a detailed history noting your triggers, past excuses and present reasons for wanting to quit now. 

To ensure your long-term success Lyn then works with you to provide the practical tools and individual strategies for home, work, in the car, when socialising, having a drink, after food and even for talking on the phone!

It’s easy and quick to change old ways with hypnosis because your mind is actually hard wired for survival and wants you to live a long and healthy life. Since every session is specifically tailored to your needs you will have eliminated cravings and addressed any concerns about weight gain. 

In fact, the only side effect is that you will feel equipped with the knowledge to never want to smoke another cigarette, not even one. Now doesn't that sound good? One session. 100% Guaranteed. It works.

Champix (Varenicline)

Or you could take some toxic tablets. Feel sick. Don’t address any of the underlying psychological causes with no change of mindset or strategies to help you succeed.

The most common side effect is nausea, affecting most people. Other side effects include stomach or bowel problems (e.g. constipation, gas, dry mouth, vomiting, and indigestion) headache, dizziness, sleeping problems, unusual dreams, feeling very tired, increased appetite and changes in taste. 

One of the biggest concerning reported symptom listed in the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is a change in mood or behaviour when they start taking Champix, usually within the first few weeks. This may include depression, agitation, and aggression, thoughts of self-harm, thinking about suicide, suicidal behaviour and hallucinations (seeing, hearing or sensing things that are not there). If you have any symptoms that concern you, you should stop taking Champix and seek medical advice as soon as possible,
Symptoms can occur in people with no known history of mental illness. You should let family members and close friends know that you are taking Champix and ask them to be alert for unusual changes in your behaviour or mood. Several people who have experienced unexpected behaviour changes also reported having sleep disorders, especially nightmares, from the beginning of Champix use. It should be noted that having abnormal dreams is a common side effect of Varenicline and that Champix may worsen symptoms in people with certain types of mental illness, so it is important to discuss your history with your doctor before taking Varenicline.
Researchers have also noted some people have two to three times the risk of suicide compared to nonsmokers and there is an increased risk for heart attack or stroke in people with heart or cardiovascular disease when using Champix.
The risk of serious side effects may be higher in people already affected by certain illnesses. A possible link between Varenicline and serious mental health and cardiovascular problems cannot be ruled out. Champix may make some people dizzy or sleepy. You need to know how it affects you before you drive a car, operate machinery, or do anything else that could be dangerous. In the United States, workers such as pilots and truck drivers are banned from using this medicine.
Taking too many tablets of Champix can cause serious side effects. If you think that you or someone else may have overdosed, immediately call your doctor or the Poisons Information Centre (13 11 26) for advice, even if there does not appear to be any effects. Or, go to hospital. Keep Varenicline out of reach of children.
For more information on how we can help at Integrated Men's Health Solutions, please contact me on 0409 528 685.


Lyn Powell
Quit Specialist

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Hi, my name is Lyn Powell and I'm very enthusiastic to bring Hypnotherapy and Counselling to Integrated Men’s Health Solutions.

Today I want to provide a bit of interesting information and talk to you about our Guaranteed Stop Smoking Program. With years of experience using this very effective program all I can say is that it simply assists you to create positive behavioural change using the sub-conscious mind.

What I find happens with every smoker that I treat, and this always happens, either they have tried to quit in the past with patches or pills, or sometimes with will power, or they have previously quit smoking for a while, only to find themselves back on the cigarettes again at a later stage. Then they choose Hypnotherapy and the smoking disappears. What had stopped them from quitting wasn't necessarily an addictive personality or lack of willpower. On the contrary, what we call willpower is really basically using force against force.

All smoking is caused by six triggers. When we reprogram those six triggers, the cause has been fixed. This is a proven integrated system that works for weight loss, addiction and very effectively as a therapy for smoking cessation.

I believe we all have the power to bring about the positive changes we wish to see in our lives. The key is to seek specialist support to assist you to let go of the doubt and hesitation that holds you back, and instead create a positive mindset.  With a confident, optimistic attitude, the seemingly impossible becomes achievable!

But how is this positive state of mind created?

The integrated system works with you to identify the reasons and triggers that are unique to you. Your individual program is then expertly formulated using effective methods based on Mindfulness, Meditation, Visualization, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), Self-hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and positive Psychology. Every element is designed to help you stay focused and stay on track. With these powerful techniques you can successfully overcome any challenge. 

With cigarettes, for example we help you create the single-minded focus that enables you to quit smoking successfully. When you are in a state of absolute dedication to quitting, you become ready to do so. In this state of total focus, you can make it happen swiftly and decisively.

How can we reach that state of total will to become and remain a confirmed non-smoker? We work on this together and give you the techniques that enable you to create and maintain that highly focused state of mind in which you quit easily, happily and successfully.

You will acquire all the tools you need and every element is designed to help you stay motivated and stay on track. And because we all have different reasons to stop smoking, each session is tailored especially for you …

ITS GUARANTEED!! You only need one session. That’s right, one session! Your body wants to live and be healthy and fit so once your sub-conscious mind tunes to this, it becomes easy straight away.

In fact, immediately you will notice there is a positive shift in your mindset. You will lose interest in cigarettes. When you make the decision to quit, there are no cravings, no irritability and no substitution with food. Instead of those negative feelings, there is a positive sensation of success, accomplishment, and release from a habit whose end has come. There is a sense of confidence and ease as you choose to reject any cigarettes that are offered, enjoying the feeling of simply not wanting them. You quit smoking without cravings or weight gain. So good right?

Ring me now on 0409 528 685 for a FREE health consultation and ask about our April special price offer. Over the next few weeks I’ll provide some more interesting facts about this kind of stuff you might enjoy, so keep an eye out on Facebook. So good, right?

Lyn Powell

Quit Specialist
0409 528 685

Friday, March 4, 2016


Are you having sex with your partner once a month? Once every 6 months? 
Take sex off the table. For a month. Remove the pressure and stress around the expectations. If it's a constant issue in your relationship, take it out of the equation. If it's a chore or an awkward encounter, remove it from the game board. 
Integrated Men's Health Solutions

But...inject INTIMACY into your relationship for that month. Go on dates, pinch his bum, hold her hand, run your hands all over his body, give her a massage, and KISS!! I have a very strong theory that when you stop kissing in the relationship, you may as well start packing your bags, because the passion is gone and the sensuality is dead. Kissing is the gateway to the soul. The gateway to all the passion and sensuality. And I'm not talking about a peck on the lips either. You need to get in there and pash each other's faces off! 
Having a child, insecurities, self worth issues, body image, lack of energy, lack of communication...all barriers for women that cause issues in a relationship when it comes to sex. It often becomes a "reward system" or a tool of manipulation. But when do you stop making excuses and start taking action to repair the connection? When do you stop conditioning yourself to not want sex because you're sick of the rejection and humiliation? When did it become ok that you're just living together as housemates, raising children and sleeping in the same bed? We have a belief in society that says sex in a relationship is a bonus, a "nice to have", but not something you can expect all the time. The men are initiating and the women are refusing. It's time to fix it. It's a total mess out there!!! 
Your sexual energy (or Kundalini, Chi, Life Force energy) is the very core of who you are. Without that core, we would be asexual beings. When we balance and unblock Kundalini, we heal all areas of your life. So when you ignore the very core of who you are, what makes you awaken sexually, sensually and hormonally, you kill off a part of you that makes you a man (or a woman). When you don't explore your sexuality or heal through intimacy, a part of you dies inside. And when you face rejection from the very person you love, on a daily basis, you cant even imagine the damage its doing. Or maybe you can...because you are living this reality and the shame around wanting sex in your relationship is making you sick in the stomach.

Men heal through sex, intimacy and touch. Not through the heart like women do. Each person has a positive pole and a negative pole. On a woman, the positive pole is the heart, and the negative pole is the genitals. So you can't heal a woman through her genitals, you have to go via her heart first. Whether it's a fight you had with her yesterday or trauma associated with childhood abuse. And for a man its the opposite. You can't heal a man through his heart first...he heals through his genitals. So when a man tries to touch you and make love to you, it's because he needs you, he needs to connect with the feminine. He needs to heal. When men cheat or stray from a relationship, it's generally because they're needing to heal on some level. They need to connect to the feminine. They just do.

When we ignore, condition or constantly process rejection of our sexual selves, depression, anxiety and stress show up in our lives. You think you're ignoring it, you think you're conditioning yourself successfully, you think you're dealing with the rejection and anxiety...but you're not. Because it goes against human nature and it will surface in your life somehow. Headaches, stress, pain, anxiety, you throw yourself into your work and try and pretend you don't have sexual requirements. What if you knew you were worth more and valued sexuality in a relationship...would you stand up and ask for what you require? What you deserve? 

Call me now on 0401 541 571 for a confidential chat about what's going on in your life, or visit the website and get a feel for how we can help you.


Owner & Principle Consultant
Integrated Men's Health Solutions

Thursday, November 5, 2015


You may be surprised to hear this, but Cholesterol is one of the most valuable nutrients for regulating moods, particularly stress coping, since it is the substance we use to make our stress coping hormones and mood regulating sex hormones (such as Testosterone, the dominant male hormone).

Low cholesterol is firmly associated with depression, anxiety, irritability, violence, insomnia and even suicide. Cholesterol in the brain is critical for serotonin production. In fact cholesterol makes up about 25% of your brain!

Why is this important? Well for many years now we have all been told to avoid cholesterol like the plague, as it was assumed to have been the cause behind cardio vascular disease. Now modern research has proven, not only was this theory incorrect, but inflammation is more problematic. Ironically we all switched to vegetable oils to cook our food with, which are actually very pro inflammatory. To add fuel to the fire we all cut out cholesterol from our diets, not realising that our bodies are very smart and can manufacture its own cholesterol. 

Furthermore, what really increases our internal production of cholesterol is excessive carbohydrate/sugar consumption. Internally we created a scenario of inflammation, insulin resistance (per diabetes) and cholesterol being out of whack, which leads to poor mood stabilisation and very sick bodies.

The good news is all of the above mentioned is reversible!! At Integrated Men’s Health Solutions (IMHS) we have an amazing team that delves deep into all issues (we don't just apply a band-aide) and work with all our clients to sort through the root cause of depression, anxiety, anger and more. Of course cholesterol deregulation won't be the only thing making you feel like crap, but at IMHS we can definitely help you get down to what is causing you to feel scattered, unfocussed, tired and emotional. Call us today and find out how!

Peter Mejia
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
0449 611 364



I stumbled across this kids badge just now amongst the incredible mess on my daughters bedroom floor. I went to throw it out, then did a double take on the words that are written on it. I actually couldn't believe it...
"Boys lie"
Raising a child in this crazy world is hard enough, without all the external messages girls receive about boys, and boys about girls. Boys don't cry. Boys are mean. Boys lie. Boys hit people. Boys get angry. Boys are loud. Boys are naughty.
"It's ok darling, a boy likes you if he's trying to hurt you physically or he's stealing your stuff."

WTF??? What crazy fucked up world are we living in?? I hear parents all the time saying "oh they're just boys" to excuse the bad behaviour their boys are exhibiting. The belief systems we have around young boys, and men, is really really bad. And the validation from parents and society is just plain madness. Boys lie? Everyone lies...all the time. We lie to ourselves, we tell our children false truths, we lie to protect ourselves.
I am disgusted that this badge even exists. And any of you that know me, know I have had a LIFETIME full of crap from men. Yes they've lied, and they've cheated and they've punched me in the face and broken my soul. But that's my journey...and I know for a fact that these particular men were raised by ENABLERS. It doesn't make me bitter or twisted, in fact i'm out there trying to help as many men as I can. Because we have to CHANGE it.
And the change starts with what are you telling your kids about boys? Are you scaring the girls off already at age 8? Are you joking around about the shotgun you've got in the garage to deal with any boys that come near your daughter when she's 16? Are you enabling your boys to be angry, physically abusive men? Are your boys allowed to cry when they're hurt? Are they allowed to be soft and emotionally intelligent? Are you trying to toughen them up because you're worried about what they might have to face in their lifetime? What are your own beliefs about men? 
So much more to come on this...and we'll be running some amazing workshops for kids very soon at the centre. They'll learn how to meditate, express themselves and they'll be taught how to identify with their spirit animal (guide). If you have a young boy that is troubled and is exhibiting behaviours that concern you, contact me now and we'll work out a plan.

Catherine Lyell
Integrated Men's Health Solutions
Ph: 0401 541 571

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


“Man Up”…it is the most common phrase that any boy is told when they feel sad, hurt, or is in any kind of physical pain. There is an expectation to not show emotion or to always act as though you are invincible, even when the reality may be far from it. It is during these crucial years that belief systems are formed, and agreements are made with self as to how one will behave in life “as a man”. And now we live in a country where…

  • An average of 6.9 people commit suicide every day in Australia. Up to 80% of those deaths are men.
  • The top age bracket for male suicide is 85 years plus.
  • The second highest age bracket for male suicide is 45-54 years. 
  • Suicide accounted for 27.8% of all deaths amongst young men aged 15 to 24.

I just want you to read those stats again. Take them in. Don't skim over them. These could be people ever so close to you. It's a mess out there!

Whilst people are noticing that mental illness is starting to make a huge impact on their families and society, I don’t believe there is enough emphasis on the TREATMENT of depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. GP’s will prescribe pills and send people on their way, which quite honestly I find appalling. I think it’s time we all start talking about this issue more and taking action. It is estimated that 1 in 8 Australian men over the age of 16 will suffer from depression, and not enough of them are getting the help they need. I always ask my clients "why are you depressed?" and they always look at me with a strange look and never know the answer. We need to find the cause! (which is where I come in)  

Here’s an interesting fact…in Australia, it is estimated that 45% of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. I treat people every day in my wellness business, and I think you would find that each and every person you meet is suffering some kind of anxiety, stress or depression on some level, and at different times in their life. It might just be a day, or a week, or around a specific circumstance or person. It’s a scale…for each and every person, and that scale moves depending on life. So what if I said we’re all on the scale. That 100% of people are capable of experiencing a myriad of mental and emotional issues…would I be right? Damn right. So if we’re all experiencing all of these things, then lets start talking about it in a more “healing” way. Lets focus on addressing the cause, not treating the symptoms.

Are enough people getting the help they need? The simple answer is no. So what can we do to help? How can we actually treat these issues instead of masking them with pills? 72% of people did not seek any treatment before they committed suicide.  With less people seeking help it is going to lead to more issues in the future for families, relationships, generations, family violence, suicide, and an increased number of people suffering from depression.

So guess what? It is time for men to “Man Up”. It’s time for men to admit when there is a problem and it’s time for them to ask for help. You can start by visiting my website or call me on 0401541571 for a free health assessment (aka chat!). And of course you can find us on facebook at

Catherine Lyell
Managing Director