Thursday, April 21, 2016


Hi, my name is Lyn Powell and I'm very enthusiastic to bring Hypnotherapy and Counselling to Integrated Men’s Health Solutions.

Today I want to provide a bit of interesting information and talk to you about our Guaranteed Stop Smoking Program. With years of experience using this very effective program all I can say is that it simply assists you to create positive behavioural change using the sub-conscious mind.

What I find happens with every smoker that I treat, and this always happens, either they have tried to quit in the past with patches or pills, or sometimes with will power, or they have previously quit smoking for a while, only to find themselves back on the cigarettes again at a later stage. Then they choose Hypnotherapy and the smoking disappears. What had stopped them from quitting wasn't necessarily an addictive personality or lack of willpower. On the contrary, what we call willpower is really basically using force against force.

All smoking is caused by six triggers. When we reprogram those six triggers, the cause has been fixed. This is a proven integrated system that works for weight loss, addiction and very effectively as a therapy for smoking cessation.

I believe we all have the power to bring about the positive changes we wish to see in our lives. The key is to seek specialist support to assist you to let go of the doubt and hesitation that holds you back, and instead create a positive mindset.  With a confident, optimistic attitude, the seemingly impossible becomes achievable!

But how is this positive state of mind created?

The integrated system works with you to identify the reasons and triggers that are unique to you. Your individual program is then expertly formulated using effective methods based on Mindfulness, Meditation, Visualization, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), Self-hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and positive Psychology. Every element is designed to help you stay focused and stay on track. With these powerful techniques you can successfully overcome any challenge. 

With cigarettes, for example we help you create the single-minded focus that enables you to quit smoking successfully. When you are in a state of absolute dedication to quitting, you become ready to do so. In this state of total focus, you can make it happen swiftly and decisively.

How can we reach that state of total will to become and remain a confirmed non-smoker? We work on this together and give you the techniques that enable you to create and maintain that highly focused state of mind in which you quit easily, happily and successfully.

You will acquire all the tools you need and every element is designed to help you stay motivated and stay on track. And because we all have different reasons to stop smoking, each session is tailored especially for you …

ITS GUARANTEED!! You only need one session. That’s right, one session! Your body wants to live and be healthy and fit so once your sub-conscious mind tunes to this, it becomes easy straight away.

In fact, immediately you will notice there is a positive shift in your mindset. You will lose interest in cigarettes. When you make the decision to quit, there are no cravings, no irritability and no substitution with food. Instead of those negative feelings, there is a positive sensation of success, accomplishment, and release from a habit whose end has come. There is a sense of confidence and ease as you choose to reject any cigarettes that are offered, enjoying the feeling of simply not wanting them. You quit smoking without cravings or weight gain. So good right?

Ring me now on 0409 528 685 for a FREE health consultation and ask about our April special price offer. Over the next few weeks I’ll provide some more interesting facts about this kind of stuff you might enjoy, so keep an eye out on Facebook. So good, right?

Lyn Powell

Quit Specialist
0409 528 685

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