Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hypnotherapy vs Champix - Which method is best for me?


Hypnotherapy is a lovely relaxing process, and it works. When you see Quit Specialist Lyn Powell she takes a detailed history noting your triggers, past excuses and present reasons for wanting to quit now. 

To ensure your long-term success Lyn then works with you to provide the practical tools and individual strategies for home, work, in the car, when socialising, having a drink, after food and even for talking on the phone!

It’s easy and quick to change old ways with hypnosis because your mind is actually hard wired for survival and wants you to live a long and healthy life. Since every session is specifically tailored to your needs you will have eliminated cravings and addressed any concerns about weight gain. 

In fact, the only side effect is that you will feel equipped with the knowledge to never want to smoke another cigarette, not even one. Now doesn't that sound good? One session. 100% Guaranteed. It works.

Champix (Varenicline)

Or you could take some toxic tablets. Feel sick. Don’t address any of the underlying psychological causes with no change of mindset or strategies to help you succeed.

The most common side effect is nausea, affecting most people. Other side effects include stomach or bowel problems (e.g. constipation, gas, dry mouth, vomiting, and indigestion) headache, dizziness, sleeping problems, unusual dreams, feeling very tired, increased appetite and changes in taste. 

One of the biggest concerning reported symptom listed in the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is a change in mood or behaviour when they start taking Champix, usually within the first few weeks. This may include depression, agitation, and aggression, thoughts of self-harm, thinking about suicide, suicidal behaviour and hallucinations (seeing, hearing or sensing things that are not there). If you have any symptoms that concern you, you should stop taking Champix and seek medical advice as soon as possible,
Symptoms can occur in people with no known history of mental illness. You should let family members and close friends know that you are taking Champix and ask them to be alert for unusual changes in your behaviour or mood. Several people who have experienced unexpected behaviour changes also reported having sleep disorders, especially nightmares, from the beginning of Champix use. It should be noted that having abnormal dreams is a common side effect of Varenicline and that Champix may worsen symptoms in people with certain types of mental illness, so it is important to discuss your history with your doctor before taking Varenicline.
Researchers have also noted some people have two to three times the risk of suicide compared to nonsmokers and there is an increased risk for heart attack or stroke in people with heart or cardiovascular disease when using Champix.
The risk of serious side effects may be higher in people already affected by certain illnesses. A possible link between Varenicline and serious mental health and cardiovascular problems cannot be ruled out. Champix may make some people dizzy or sleepy. You need to know how it affects you before you drive a car, operate machinery, or do anything else that could be dangerous. In the United States, workers such as pilots and truck drivers are banned from using this medicine.
Taking too many tablets of Champix can cause serious side effects. If you think that you or someone else may have overdosed, immediately call your doctor or the Poisons Information Centre (13 11 26) for advice, even if there does not appear to be any effects. Or, go to hospital. Keep Varenicline out of reach of children.
For more information on how we can help at Integrated Men's Health Solutions, please contact me on 0409 528 685.


Lyn Powell
Quit Specialist

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